Cleaning of the electrode (note that in case of gel electrodes replacing of the reference solution is usually impossible):

  • General
    • Soak in 0.1M HCl for half an hour.
    • Drain and refill the reference solution.
    • Soak the electrode in filling solution for one hour.
  • Inorganic:
    • Soak in 0.1M tetrasodium EDTA solution for 15 minutes.
    • Drain and refill the reference solution.
    • Soak the electrode in filling solution for one hour.
  • Protein:
    • Soak in 1% pepsin / 0.1M HCl for 15 minutes.
    • Drain and refill the reference solution.
    • Soak the electrode in filling solution for one hour.
  • Grease and Oil:
    • Rinse with detergent or ethanol solution.
    • Drain and refill the reference solution.
    • Soak the electrode in filling solution for one hour. Electrode response may be enhanced by substituting a mixture of 1:1 pH 4 buffer and filling solution for the soaking solution.

Cleaning of the clogged junction:

  • Pollution by sulfides:
    • Use a solution of 8% thiocarbamide in 1 mol/L HCl.
    • Keep the electrode in the above solution till junction's color turns pale.
  • Pollution by silver chloride:
    • Use concentrated ammonia solution.
    • Keep the electrode in the above solution for about 12 hours.
    • Rinse and put into pH 4 buffer for at least 1 hour.

Other contamination have to be removed by cleaning with distilled water, alcohol or mixtures of acids. If nothing else helps you may consider use of ultrasonic cleaner as last resort.

last modified on November 06 2022, 00:25:11. ©2005 - 2022 ChemBuddy